Wholesale & White Label CBD from our Spanish Hemp Farms

The legal CBD market has exploded in recent years and our experience over the decades […]


Buy CBD Oil or Cream, Direct from Spain

All of our CBD oils and hemp-based creams contain the full spectrum of beneficial cannabinoids. […]


Organic Hemp Skincare Products with CBD

Granjacia source the majority of our organic ingredients locally, here in the south of Spain. […]


Granjacia™ Hemp Farms – Hemp and CBD Products from Spain

Granjacia™ are an employee-owned hemp company with its own cultivation and CBD products manufacturing, based in the south of Spain.

Granjacia Farm

Our speciality is cultivating and processing fully compliant industrial hemp to use for many purposes. including its fibre or for the extraction of its essential oils, containing cann

abinoids such as CBD.

Clients from various industries across Europe, such as health clinics and organic stores use our hemp extracts containing CBD in a range of natural skincareown products such as balms, oils, lotions and CBD products for pets.

We are also able to offer businesses direct contracts with hemp farms.

Hemp For Business

Granjacia’s hemp farms have become some of the leading producers and CBD product manufacturers in Europe, products produced and certified from seed to sale here in Spain.

Hemp For You

All of our high-quality CBD oils & creams are certified and registered here in Spain and are produced to GMP standard from hemp grown on our own Spanish farm co-operatives.

Hemp for Pets

Granjacia has been creating pet formulations such as CBD for dogs and cats, and non-allergic hemp bedding for horses for many years. Animal welfare is a huge part of our lifestyle!

Hemp For The Planet

Hemp is used to make a variety of commercial and industrial products, including rope, textiles, clothing, shoes, food, paper, bioplastics, insulation, hempcrete and biofuel.

Over the last decade, Granjacia farms have become one of the leading industrial hemp farms in Europe, providing businesses with white label CBD oils, hemp biomass and cosmetics, produced and certified from seed to sale right here in Spain.

Cosmetics and skin-care products are fully registered with the EU body CPNP and the third party approved laboratories check all retail ready items.

Building a CBD brand or expanding your product range?

We were one of the first hemp farms in Europe to process industrial hemp specifically for its flowers and cannabinoid content. These are fundamental requirements for businesses when it comes to public sales of hemp products within the EU

Unlike many European CBD suppliers, we control our own hemp cultivation, from the farms to the final product; guaranteeing quality and consistency in your hemp-related products and ongoing customer satisfaction.

With offices based in southern Spain, the best environment in Europe for natural hemp, we manage many hectares of land through our farm co-operative type agreements and distribute our hemp extracts and full-spectrum CBD oils worldwide.

Get in touch with Granjacia hemp farms with your business enquiries today.