CBD Price Comparison – Granjacia Best Price, Highest Quality

Not only do we believe that our Spanish grown plants give the best entourage effects in the world (would you rather buy your sun-loving herbs or oranges from Spain or from Russia?) but our long-standing belief in keeping down costs means we are also the most economical!

We keep these costs down in many ways,  being sustainable and efficient. Plus Spain has enormous advantages when it comes to the environment, we can usually harvest an extra harvest per year compared to other European countries. Having worked with medical plants for decades we also strongly believe the environment is important for the overall medicinal value and the depth of profile that the right environment produces.

None of our processes should be considered cost-cutting, they are not. They are simply not cost ‘adding’. Our standards and protocols are as high as anywhere in the world. We were one of the first producers in Europe to obtain legal certification on hemp extracts.

We can be contacted for any questions regarding our hemp farms.

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