Using Hemp, Herbs and Natural Plant Remedies Safely

Lots of plants and herbs contain active ingredients that are as effective as modern drugs.

Herbalists claim herbs contain compounds thought to lower any side effects of the active ingredients thus making products like hemp remedies both gentle and effective. These herbs and plant extracts are used in so many different ways and are relatively harmless in potencies normally available.

hemp remediesAs mentioned in this series introduction, most natural therapies and cures have evolved from ancient traditions of wellbeing, but others are certainly the results of the passion and knowledge and hard work of enthusiasts like ourselves and the different types of healers in the world.

For the majority of us in good or fair health, minor ailments such as colds and coughs and skin blemishes often run their natural course while the body balances itself. Hemp extract and the role it plays with our immune system is in our opinion hugely underrated. Our bodies literally have spent thousands of years creating an immune system that specifically utilises the cannabinoids found in hemp. This is called the endo-cannabinoid system. *Wikipedia article

Really the main danger in using natural cures and remedies at home is the risk that we may wrongly diagnose the condition in the first place. Sometimes symptoms may appear to be mild; be it a persistent cough which might just seem like an annoyance to backache that you might consider be a muscle problem but sometimes these annoying conditions might well be something more serious. So again. despite our great formulations and advice we will provide you during this series, always check with a medical professional if you have a persistent condition.

doctorWe would prefer that people visited a doctor before using any of our natural remedies if they have any of the following:

* Severe head or chest or stomach pain

* Difficulty with breathing

* Swollen legs

* Bad pain for more than 24 hours

* History of medical problems such as heart disease

In the next article we will start to talk about the choice of natural herbs and plants that compliment our hemp extracts and have wonderful healing properties of their own.