If you have a local or related Spanish hemp business in the natural products sector, you can apply to sell your products on our Granjacia website.
Needless to say, not competing retail products but you can advertise your biomass, flowers, hurd, fibre etc
How you can benefit from it:
You will be able to create a complete marketplace in an easy and efficient way;
You will be able to generate a passive income on the sales by customers that all our businesses recieves here.
We all will increase e-commerce renown and steadiness thanks to a varied catalog on our website.
You will be able to organize focused marketing campaigns and keep control of the whole e-commerce by monitoring orders, incomes, reviews, etc.
How does it work? Are there monthly fees?
We work on a simple commission. Granjacia will take care of all payments. Upon an order being created we will send you the payment less the commision and the shipping/order information. You will have added your shipping costs and tax info as standard and they will be on the invoices that come to you from Granjacia.
Apply today